
Bath Time

It was high-time for me to break out the camera that had been tucked away for weeks. Somewhere in the midst of all the hullabaloo that comes with the excitement of new parenthood things got busy, challenging, and more busy - and more challenging. I wasn't finding or taking the time to shoot some nice photos (plenty of point and shoots, but they're just not the same as the same SLR).

We've fallen so in love with our little lady over these first few months. But I, for one, didn't know how "full-on" parenting is. And you know, no amount of pondering could have ever revealed it to me. And as every parent says, "where has time gone?"  Somehow we are encroaching on the 4 month mark with Hattie. (how did that happened???)

Its becoming more clear that her eyes are a radiant blue like her Mimi's. Skin ever-so-soft. and Demeanor, ..... oh demeanor... this girl has personality aplenty.

I love this one because it looks like she's telling her momma a story from her day.

She's recently discovered the joy of sucking her fingers. The noise she makes doing this is hilarious.

tasteful, yet, tacky. or tacky, yet, tasteful. not sure?



  1. You and Hattie make a great team. She is super photogenic, and you are a great photographer! What a team:)
    -Aunt Erica

  2. Wow!!! So beautiful! Thank you for sharing! Love the fingers in her mouth and the beautiful blue eyes!!! Love, Mimi
